Technical consulting
With our consulting service, we give our customers the best tailor-made support for product selection, transcoding and other issues.
We work closely with our customers to develop power transmission components for wide-ranging applications.
Energy-saving – with toothed rather than V-belts
Rising electricity prices, CO2 emissions and environmental audits: saving energy is a key topic for many companies. Converting from V-belts to toothed belts may elicit savings of between three and eight percent. We can help you save energy with a package of measures: from on-site analysis and calculation to conversion of the machine.
V-belts achieve average efficiency of 98% due to the resulting slip. When installed, despite maintaining 97% efficiency, the elongation of the V-belt means it continuously declines. Poorly maintained V-belts run at 90–92% efficiency.
Toothed belts, conversely, are 99% efficient due to positive power transmission and run for up to three years maintenance-free.
Our technical staff assist customers with bearing design, by calculating lifetime, load rating or other details.

Retrofitting lets companies save energy and slash maintenance costs.
We use a calculation program to evaluate the existing drive and determine the savings potential in each individual case. The calculation includes the costs for V-belt materials as well as for energy consumption and maintenance. We compare this information with the costs of acquiring the toothed belts and powering the machine after conversion to ensure all important factors are taken into account when saving energy. A 250 kW engine, for example, can save between 6,000 to 10,000 Euros a year.